astrology, Horoscope, laws of attraction, lunar Eclipse, manifestation, miracles, Remedies

Lunar Eclipse- August 2017

Lunar Eclipse

On 7 August’2017 in Aquarius sign.

Eclipses are always the “Game Changers”. They force us to look or pay attention to the areas where the eclipse is happening. Change is evident. You will clearly look whats working for you and whats not working for you, so that you could actually do something about whats “NOT WORKING FOR YOU”. In other words Eclipse are the wake up cals to move to a higher level to make some change.

Eclipses always arrived in pairs- Solar and Lunar Eclipses. There is a statement you guys must have read somewhere that “ With all eclipses something ends and something else begins” Eclipse take something good out of your life and bless you with something better. Eclipses are magical, it will bring a random event in your life which you never thought about. It will affect all ascendant, zodiac and moon signs.

Are you ready for the change everyone!!

Let us see for which ascendant-where the change is coming.

A Lunar Eclipse occurs on August 7, 2017, at 15 degrees and 25 minutes of Aquarius (opposite the Sun in Leo), affecting people born with personal planets and points at approximately 10 to 25 degrees of the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) most significantly.

Please note: these are general predictions. To know your personalized effects contact Purnima Gupta

REMEMBER: the energy of lunar eclipse lasts for 6 months. May be some change will start in august but you could completely feel that in February.


ARIES: Lunar Eclipse happening in 11th house. This 11th house is something to do with friends, your social circle, working with groups of people or Team work. Plus its is also about your dreams and your wishes. It could be a time to set some new goals or new dreams. Time to adjust or change or expand your social circle. May be at the moment you are feeling too much lonely or too occupied in a social circle. This is the time to balance it.

TAURUS :- Lunar Eclipse happening in your 10th house, so there are major changes coming up in your career, your work, your profession, company or industry. You might want to change the direction of career. This could be the time to change the country where you work or state where you work. Don’t be afraid of the changes. I know you don’t like much changes happening in your life. There might be your organization making some changes you need to adapt to.

GEMINI:- Lunar Eclipse happening in 9th house of Travel. May be you wanted to travel for a long time and you might get an opportunity now. It also has to do something with your higher education, try to focus that is there something you need to learn. It is a good time for reading and writing and to go on a pilgrimage. To find the true meaning of spirituality.

CANCER:- Lunar Eclipse happening in 8th house. You might focus on everything to do with your finances, your money situation, your bank balance and your financial security. It’s an opportunity to look what’s makes you feel secure is it your bank balance or any new investments. Anything that makes you secure. Suddenly you will realize that you are much more powerful than you thought. You could be managing other people’s money also. This could also be possible that you can get more intimate this month or you could have more trust issues.

LEO:- Lunar Eclipse happening in 7th house of relationships.  Your relationships are in the spotlight. Anything that is not working chances are they will start to work in your relationships. May be its time to end a relationship that is not working. Trust me it will divert you to the relationship that’s meant for you. Or this could be the time to start a new relationship or to make some changes in your existing relationship. There could also be a marriage proposal coming up for you.

VIRGO: Lunar Eclipse happening in 6th house of work, health, animals and services to others. It allows you to make some change in your work area if you are not satisfied with your work. You might take some actions. To might change the direction of your work. You might get a pet home.

LIBRA:- Lunar Eclipse happening in 5th house of Love and romance, children, self employment, creativity, entertainment, fun, pleasure. There something wonderful coming up after this eclipse related to these sectors. May be you could thing what you need to do to bring more fun in your life, you feel focus on areas where you can have peace of mind. Plus some pending task could be completed related to your business.

SCORPIO:- Lunar Eclipse happening in 4th house. You can see any opportunity or change related to your home, environment, family, and people around you or people you are close to. You might want to move your home. This eclipse will trigger you to make some change or relocating.

SAGITTARIOUS:- Lunar Eclipse happening in 3rd house to deal with questions like what do I need to learn, what skills do I have, what do I need to communicate, what do I want to share. This lunar eclipse will focus on the areas in which you are not satisfied with. May be you will change your belief systems.

CAPRICORN:- Lunar Eclipse happening in 2nd  house of money and finance, your talents, your gifts and abilities. This lunar eclipse will give you an opportunity to revalue. How you will be saving or spending money. How you will be investing money. May be you see that there are plenty of abilities that you have and there are actually other things also that you can do. Also you might get an opportunity to create something new for yourself.

AQUARIOUS:- Lunar Eclipse happening in 1st house. It has to deal with how you look. You might change your look completely like your hair color, or hairstyle, piercings. Different ways of presenting yourself. Giving more importance to your self esteem and more n more how to love yourself. Such a wonderful feeling. Good time to manifest anything you want as you have so much power inside you to manifest what you want.

PISCES:- Lunar Eclipse happening in 12th  house. You will going to enjoy this Pisceans. This is the time to go to things that is soothing for you. It’s a very good time to meditate. It’s a wonderful time to get into astrology, numerology anything to develop your psychic abilities. This eclipse will lead you to trust your intuitions.


Hope you all have a happy life. God bless you all.


Purnima Gupta


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